Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Rainy Day Dares

My friends and I loved playing in the rain when we were kids. We loved to stand by the curb and let passing cars spray us with water. We would actually wave and holler to cars to splash us. This was great fun for us. We lived near a street that had a large dip in the middle that always pooled a good bit of standing water during our frequent summer thunderstorms.

One particular day while waiting on a car to come along to splash us, one of the gang, Francesca, dared us to put our heads under the water. Mind you this was a giant mud puddle on a well traveled city street complete with swishing and swirling leaves, grass, ants, cigarette butts and debris of all types. But not being ones to back down from a dare, myself and Lynn (Francesca's younger sister) of course, went for it.

When no cars were in sight, we kneeled on the curb, held our breath, squeezed our eyes shut tight and completely submerged our heads up to our necks into the dirty water. We emerged triumphant with twigs and leaves stuck to our hair.

We laughed our butts off at ourselves. Those were always the best laughs. Laughing at ourselves and having our friends there to laugh with you and at you. Great memories.

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